Jetting Services
Using water at pressures to 4000 PSI, sewers, drains, and pipelines can now be thoroughly cleaned of roots, scale, grease, and debris. With a full line of attachments, Drainbusters can high pressure power flush lines from 1" to 36". All material is blasted/dissolved by a high pressure stream of water.
Common Services:
Sanitary Sewers
Storm Sewers
Septic Lines
Roof Drains
Floor Drains
Loading Dock Drain
E.PA. & D.E.P. Clean-ups
Shopping Center
Why just open your line when you can clean it?
Grease, sludge, sand and debris are the main causes of commercial drain line blockages. Our high pressure jetting can help you clean this sediment by:
Penetrating and emulsifying grease
Breaking up sludge and debris
Pulverizing roots
Cutting out hardened scale
Flushing out the system, leaving lines clear
Cable snaking of lines has its place in cleaning a clogged sewer or drain, but our jetting services will not only clear a blockage, but clean the pipe to its original flow capacity. The debris is completely removed from the line, and your chances of blockage in the future are minimized.
How does jetting work?
One of the most remarkable developments in sewer cleaning technology is the water jet. A hose is propelled by water into the sewer line under tremendous pressure. As the hose returns, the sewer line is cleaned by powerful forward and reverse sets of water, which washes scale, silt, sand, grease, and other
material back to the manhole for removal.